Mitsuhiro Shishikura

Research: Dynamical Systems, Complex Analysis, in particular, Complex Dynamics

Papers, preprints

email: mitsu (AT) math (DOT) kyoto-u (DOT) ac (DOT) jp

Office: Dept of Math, new building 451
Phone: 075-753-3738, FAX: 075-753-3711
(From abroad, use +81-75-753-...)

Postal address:

Department of Mathematics
Faculty of Science
Kyoto University
Kyoto 606-8502

Software for Macintosh (iDynamics and others)

Gallery (Images of the Mandelbrot set and Julia sets, drawn by iDynamics)

Prof. Michael Herman's manuscripts on quasi-symmetric conjugacy of homeo/diffeomorphisms of the circle to rotations


Department of Mathematics, Kyoto University